
Business Intelligence

  • Sales Analysis
  • Margin Analysis
  • Collection Analysis
  • Purchase Analysis
  • Self Service Dashboard


Exclusive feature that is not available in other similar software in the market

  • Specially designed for top management/ HQ managers.
  • Access performance data anytime, anywhere without the need for data recompilation.
  • Real-time trend analysis and branches comparison (ie, whether outlets are getting better, maintaining performance, or getting worst over last 12 months / last 8 quarters / last 5 years etc).
  • CEO/ MD/ Finance Manager/ Marketing Manager are able to “design” their own format and system will compile information automatically in real time. No more “waiting for report” due to time required for data re-compilation when analysis perspective is changed.
  • Close to real-time information. No more waiting for month-end-closing. Receive up-to-date information and analysis as and when required.

How fast are you able to get the info when your perspective changed? And how efficient can you use your data?

  1. What is my overall total sales this year?
  2. Am I getting better, worse or is sustaining overall?
  3. How does each outlet contribute to my performance?
  4. Am I sustaining more regular customers or attracting more new customers?
  5. Who are my best customers overall?
  6. What is their spending patterns? Does it changed during the last 12 months?

By using our Business Intelligence, WE DO IT IN SECONDS

Business Intelligence Graph
EBI Business Intelligence - Data Analytic Solutions